
Tracey Lehane Lic Ac, BSc (Hons) Acu, Chinese Herbal Medicine Practitioner, MBAcC. I was first inspired to really look at health differently during a year spent travelling through Asia with many months in China and India during the 90’s. Both cultures impacted me enough to make changes in my life. I eventually gave up my business career to study acupuncture at the International College of Oriental Medicine (ICOM) in 2011, which was a life changing experience and for many years I have benefitted enormously from my yoga practice.

My training in Chinese Medicine is rooted in the classics and I have continued along this path with post graduate studies including, Huangdi Neijing medicine with Dr Edward Neal; the teachings of Dr Wang and Applied Channel Theory with Jason Robertson; BaZi with Richard Ashworth; Pregnancy Acupuncture with Debra Betts; Classical Chinese Herbal Medicine with Marina Danilova. Other training includes women’s health issues, including support through fertility and ART, gynaecological issues and pregnancy. I have also spent some years working with people who have neurological problems, particularly MS and Parkinson’s Disease.

The focus of my treatment is always on the individual and the art of Chinese Medicine means that it is possible to work across a wide range of physical and emotional complaints, ranging from pain, general wellbeing, anxiety, complex medical issues and multiple chronic illnesses by considering the root cause of the illness alongside the symptoms.